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Name: Jaxon De Luna

Age: 17

Gender/pronouns: Male (He/him)

Ethnicity: Latino

Country: Spain

Ocupation: Deliveries and sales Associate (Smoothie shop), Musician, student

Hobbies: Playing tunes on his guitar, writing music

Likes: To play his father's songs on his guitar, listen to music (calm rock), go to concerts, play video games, write songs/poems, sing, workout, hang out with friends

Dislikes: Lies, injustices, unreliable people, abuse, substantial dishes, darkness

Dream: To become a great musician like his father

Voice actor: Christian LA Carrier

About Jaxon

Jaxon is Merry's love interest and a sophomore high school student at Brightmoon Academy. He is a low-key guy, usually relaxed, playful, optimistic, and easygoing around the people he feels close with, mostly his best friends Harry or Mina. He can be found on benches in the schoolyard just practicing some tunes on his bass guitar, at club rehearsals with his buddies after class or working as a delivery boy or cashier at a nearby smoothie shop.

Throughout his past, however, he had a very extraordinary lifestyle, as his father used to be a constantly traveling rockstar, and had little to no time with family oftentimes except on holidays. He used to be one of Jaxon's biggest idols and he taught him how to play the guitar from the heart when he was young.  There was a chance that his father could finally right his wrongs and be there for his son, that is until the manager called the family to inform them of an accident that killed Jaxon’s father backstage. This bad news left both Jaxon and his mother devastated, with haters, going after them, and eventually escalated to his mother losing her way. She couldn't keep her health together or move forward from the tragic incident and instead fell into substance abuse for a while, making her unable to take care of Jaxon on her own.
As this issue became a pattern that went on for a while, Jaxon's uncle came for a visit one day once his nephew told him that his mother’s issues were getting completely out of hand, almost taking her life in the process. 

Jaxon then learned how bad everything was. His uncle suggested that his mother go to get help and that he should come to live with him for a while. He understood, and after explaining everything and realizing she had no choice if she didn’t want to lose her son as well, Jaxon’s mom agreed to do what was right.

They lived together for a while and Jaxon surely felt a bit safer where he was at the moment and got along with his uncle very well, despite still missing his mother a lot from time to time. He writes her letters every week and roots for her in hopes that they’ll be able to meet again someday and be a normal family again.

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