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Master Kazuhiro Pfp 2.png
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Name: Kazuhiro Nakamura

Age: 51

Gender/pronouns: Male (He/him)

Ethnicity: Asian

Country: Japan

Occupation: Shifu/senior master of magical shards, old sushi restaurant chef

Hobbies: Martial arts, magical knowledge, playing guitar, cooking

Likes: To honor his masters and ancestors, cooking meals, making "dad" jokes

Dislikes: Babysitting, chores, failure, betrayal, dishonor

Dream/wish: To fulfill his duty and honor his master's wishes, to bring peace to his long-lost brother

Voice actor: Isaiah Miller

About Kazuhiro

Kazuhiro, a skilled master, was entrusted by his mentors from the old temple to train Merry and Ember as his pupils. He had to move to a place called "Cybergen City" after an attack on his birthplace, where he is now undercover as one of the civilians working as a sushi chef among the locals. Initially distant and easily irritable towards Merry, Kazuhiro later became more nurturing and affectionate towards her. As Merry grew into her teenage years, he recognized her potential to become a formidable individual. However, he faces challenges when he must inform Merry that she is destined to be the bearer of the thunder amulet and must train her as one of his students to wield it.


When Zensuke and Kazuhiro were babies, they were raised through one of the largest temples known to man, taken under the wing of a senior master and his wife, who at an early age managed to seal their fate to be trained as warriors at 10 years of age in hopes of one-day becoming apprentices and future masters of wielding the two most powerful magical shards. A feat not just anyone can handle, it must have been destiny. 


Years later into childhood, the boys received martial arts training from a private tutor and Zensuke would express his desire to become a master of magical shards someday. Kazuhiro offered to share the title with him during some of the conversations they had, which excited them and brought them closer during training and outside of training.


A few years later, the senior master was prepared to announce that one of them would be chosen as the new senior master to carry out the more advanced training, but that he, unfortunately, would choose one amongst them. This resulted in Kazuhiro being chosen, and Zensuke feeling hurt and betrayed by the outcome. Despite his feelings, Zensuke showed support towards Kazuhiro's new title, hoping that their relationship would remain unchanged, unaware that he secretly harbored jealousy on the inside, but he attempted to remain positive and happy for his brother.


Significant changes occurred, as they began to drift apart due to their respective duties. Their once closest companion seemed to skip their usual training and plot against Kazuhiro in his new role. As Zensuke began to disappear more often, the temple received multiple sightings of forbidden magic, and there were speculations that Zensuke was involved, causing concern among the guards. Kazuhiro denyed the claims, as he had faith in his brother . He couldn’t imagine there being anything but good in him. This changed when he found a scroll outside of his brother’s bedroom, which confused Kazuhiro, he refused to believe that this could be possible. 


Just before searching outside the temple walls, Kazuhiro found and approached Zensuke looking diffrent from his usual self, and made an attempt to reason with him. Unfortunately, the encounter turned violent and Zensuke got injured while Kazuhiro defended himself, resulting in a permanent scar above Zensuke's right eye. Zensuke doing the same for Kazuhiro leaving him a scar in the left eye out of spite.


Kazuhiro turned back to the temple, but once arrived at the temple apeared to be threatened of an upcoming attack by the younger brother. Seeking for his mentor at the time, he found him seeking guidance from his ancestors, as a great evil was afoot. With his final breath, his mentor urged him to carry on and find two siblings who have the potential to bring Zensuke back to his former glory. 

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