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Name: Harry Laohu

Age: 17

Gender/pronouns: Male (He/him)

Ethnicity: Asian American

Country: China, US

Occupation: Musician, student

Hobbies: Playing drums, playing video games, listening to upbeat music, Thai boxing

Likes: Rock N' roll,  playing drums, listening to music (hard metal, rock), going to concerts, playing video games, hanging out with friends/buddies

Dislikes: Boredom, homework, bullying, losing, being belittled by others

Dream: To become a professional drummer in a band

Voice actor: Nate Washko

About Harry

Harry is a sophomore at Brightmoon Academy and is one of Jaxon's closest friends. He is a lively and passionate guy who is generally in a good mood, and easygoing but can sometimes be overly enthusiastic or annoying with his short attention span. He enjoys playing drums, and spending time with his friends, especially Jaxon and Mina. He can often be found rehearsing with them after class, playing video games at home, or hanging out with Jaxon.


In his earlier years, he led a fairly typical life. He lived at home with his parents and an older brother, with whom he generally had a good relationship with. He had nothing to complain about. However, things changed when he entered middle school. He became a target of bullying by some classmates, who would mock him for his long hair and sometimes would call him a girl to silence him when he attempted to stand up for himself. This experience took a toll on his self-confidence and made him feel like an outsider among his peers, leading him to question his own identity.


At some point, he wanted to cut his hair to appear more like a boy, but he felt uneasy about it. He confided in his father and brother about his insecurity and longing for a hairstyle change, to which they reassured him that he didn't have to change to appease others or cut his hair if he did not want to and that he would look great with any hairstyle he chose. His brother also showed him a celebrity with long hair, which grew to become his idol and even made him feel slightly more at ease over time, accepting himself as he is.


However, as he grew older, the bullying only got worse. His bullies started dragging his hair and calling him weak repeatedly until he eventually had enough and learned self-defense through Thai boxing in a fit of rage. This eventually made him grow stronger until he finally confronted his bullies and beat them up, which ended the bullying but made everyone afraid of him. 


Sometime later as Harry got to high school, he went on a self-discovery journey and was on the lookout for something to keep him occupied, often struggling with concentration due to his constant pent-up energy. This led him to attempt to find activities to keep him occupied, with little to no success at first.  One day he found a drumset and gave it a try, discovering it helped and peeked the interest of his two classmates, Jaxon and Mina. They were impressed by his natural talent and invited him to join their band. Harry finally felt like he had somewhere he belonged. 

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