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Name: Zensuke Nakamura

Age: 48

Gender/pronouns: Male (He/him)

Ethnicity: Asian

Country: Japan

Occupation: Dark lord/Sorcerer

Hobbies: Martial arts, magic exploitation

Likes: Mischief, pride, control, learning powerful spells, success, making shady deals, feeling superior

Dislikes: Betrayal, incompetence, dishonor, neglect, humiliation, being in the wrong, being taken as a joke, change of plans

Dream/wish: To fix his mistake, punish the people who wronged him, and regain the title he feels he deserves

Voice actor: Jeremy Tucker

About Zensuke

Zensuke is the main villain in "Magical Warrior Squad" closely related to Kazuhiro. He destroyed an old temple out of revenge for the unfair selection process conducted by the senior master. Zensuke can be cruel, wreckless, clever, and cold towards his allies or anyone who encounters him without his disguise. However, in his younger days, he was a laid-back, optimistic, and easy-going person, especially towards his relatives and the senior master who raised them.


When Zensuke and Kazuhiro were babies, they were raised through one of the largest temples known to man, taken under the wing of a senior master and his wife, who at an early age managed to seal their fate to be trained as warriors at 10 years of age in hopes of one-day becoming apprentices and future masters of wielding the two most powerful magical shards. A feat not just anyone can handle, it must have been destiny.


Years later into childhood, the boys received martial arts training from said master.  Zensuke once expressed his desire to become a master of magical shards and performed his best to prove his worth. Kazuhiro offered to share the title with him during some of the conversations they had, which excited Zensuke and brought them closer.


Fifteen years later, the senior master was prepared to announce that one of them would be chosen as the new senior master to carry out the more advanced training, but that he, unfortunately, would choose one amongst them. This resulted in Kazuhiro being chosen, and Zensuke feeling hurt and betrayed by the outcome. Despite his feelings, Zensuke showed support towards Kazuhiro's new title, hoping that their relationship would remain unchanged, but secretly harboring jealousy as he hoped he'd be chosen for the role.


As time passed, Zensuke and Kazuhiro drifted apart due to their differing responsibilities. Zensuke harbored resentment towards both Kazuhiro and the senior master, feeling excluded and rebelling against his training. His curiosity was piqued when he overheard the senior master and guards discussing dark magic being practiced outside the temple. This led him to venture beyond the temple's boundaries and eventually to learn illegal magic from an unknown teacher. Zensuke denied the guards' accusations, keeping his sessions hidden from everyone.


Zensuke eventually chose to master dark magic fully and became a powerful dark lord. He learned he needed several amulets to give him what he wanted, and he would stop at nothing. He slowly began losing himself to the magic which consumed his morality and embraced his thirst for revenge along with it, causing him to plot to destroy the temple.


Just before reaching the temple, Kazuhiro approached Zensuke in an attempt to reason with him. Unfortunately, the evil in Zensuke took over and the encounter turned violent very quickly. Zensuke was injured while Kazuhiro defended himself, resulting in a permanent scar above Zensuke's right eye, doing the same for Kazuhiro leaving him with a scar on the left eye.


He went to the temple to persuade the senior master to surrender. However, the master refused, which led Zensuke to destroy the temple and kill everyone nearby, except for Kazuhiro. He managed to escape in search of allies to help him in his mission to find the six hidden magical amulets in various places. After realizing what he had done, Zensuke came back to his senses temporarily and felt remorseful, wanting to fix his mistake, only to discover that Kazuhiro was searching for the same amulets he was looking for. He found a ripped-out spell book that revealed the locations of four of the magical shards in different areas. This motivated him to prepare a plan and find allies to help him complete it. He wanted to prevent his brother and the chosen wielders from finding the magical charms and standing in the way of his plan.


He is currently in hiding, practicing powerful spells, and creating plans to sabotage Kazuhiro's possible plans while searching for the hidden magic amulets to restore the damage and grant his wish.

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