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Name: Melissa Collins

Age: 16

Gender/pronouns: Female (She/her)

Ethnicity: British

Country: United Kingdom

Occupation: Student

Hobbies: Reading books, writing fanfiction, playing instruments (Piano, violin), Singing, learning science

Likes: Reading fantasy or murder mystery books, listening to classical music, learning new things, singing, writing/reading fanfiction, solving mysteries, helping others

Dislikes: Mean-spirited people, intimacy, injustice, unfinished stories (fanfiction), performing centerstage, unsolvable conflicts, confrontation, gossip

Dream: To be a creative writer and make her own stories

Voice actress: Shellah

About Melissa

Melissa is the second protagonist (deuteragonist) in "Magical Warrior Squad" and the holder of the ice/frost bracelet that allows her to turn into her alter-ego "Silver Frost”. With her powers, she can jump at a high distance and produce ice at will making paths, shields, weapons, or whatever she might need in battle with the help of her bow and arrows. But in normal life, she is a freshman high school transfer student at Brightmoon Academy. She is an introverted girl and is considered to be more awkward, reserved, and slightly guarded when communicating, but can otherwise be known to be very curious, intellectually advanced, and ambitious having a talent for studying or engaging in new subjects. However, when she warms up to people, she is passionate about romance/mystery novel books and fiction stories and is aiming to write her own one day.


Throughout the past, she has lived much of her childhood in the UK where she attended a private school and learned about etiquette and even some history from the era of the monks. At school, she was ambitious regarding studies for the most part and was interested in subjects like History, Science, and Music.


Over time, she was eventually persuaded by her teacher to try out some different activities like music and perhaps learn to try some more artistic interests and hobbies such as singing in the school choir or playing musical instruments in their music courses. She was eventually taught to play violin and piano and would frequent recitals over the years. After a while, her piano teacher whom she began to trust would soon show his true colors and sexually harass Melissa, which caused her to quit piano lessons for good and made her, therefore, become more closed off than before. She then became more reserved, these experiences caused her to not trust as easily compared to her older brother William who unlike her had no problem communicating and had a great number of social skills.


Years later, the family decided to move to a famous city called “Cybergen City" which promised great pay and employment opportunities, so after a lot of thought, they decided to move there and eventually started a new life. At first, Melissa wasn't keen on the idea of moving so she kept her guard up and had her expectations low, but what she didn't anticipate was that moving to her new school would have a positive impact on her life after fate slapped her silly and introduced Melissa to her closest friend, Merry.

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