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Name: Ember De la Rosa

Age: 18

Gender/pronouns: Female (She/they)

Ethnicity: Latina

Country: Chile

Occupation: Zoo staff worker, student

Hobbies: Boxing, playing guitar, playing video games

Likes: Going on adventures, going to amusement parks, trying new experiences, playing guitar, going to parties, going to concerts, playing video games, strong dishes, going on treasure hunts, traveling, martial arts, theater, and musicals

Dislikes: Marriage, dresses,  jewelry, being bossed around, being told she’s wrong, being patient, handling conflicts

Dream: To reunite with her father, to travel the world one day

Voice actress: Mari Chavez

About Ember

Merry's older sibling, Ember, is about to graduate from Brightmoon Academy. Currently, she is searching for a part-time job as a staff worker at the local zoo. Ember is known for being quick-thinking, stubborn, and full of energy. She tends to seek out adventure but struggles with letting others in and being vulnerable. At times, she can be overprotective of those she cares about, which can be detrimental to her well-being. However, as she continues on her journey, Ember learns to overcome her fears and pursue her biggest wish: reuniting with her father, whom she believes is still alive somewhere.


Ember had a difficult upbringing. As a child, she was inquisitive, sharp-witted, and playful. Her father would often regale her with stories of his adventures and travels, and he favored her over Merry. He was also her go-to source of comfort in times of fear or uncertainty, always promising to protect her. However, as time passed, the tension between her parents escalated and they eventually divorced. Ember's father left without a trace, leaving her devastated. Thankfully, her mother stepped up to support her during this trying time.


However, things later became more overbearing for her when she lost her mother as well and was reluctantly taken to an orphanage with Merry as her only company. While she was there, she had to grow up quickly, making her take full responsibility for Merry and feel massive pressure to keep her safe at all costs, even going as far as to build up courage and defend her from bullies verbally or physically prepare for a fight.


At first, she had hoped for a miracle but came to realize that waiting around wouldn't solve her problems. She left the orphanage with determination to find her father, despite feeling guilty for leaving her little sister behind. She knew it was necessary to keep her sister safe, by not allowing Merry to come with her. However, she got lost in the city and couldn't find her way back. When she woke up the next morning, she found herself face-to-face with a local gang. She panicked at first, but soon realized they didn't mean her any harm. Eventually, she became a part of the group, and they took care of Ember. Her ultimate goal was still to reunite with her father and Merry.

​She spent years into adulthood searching for her former orphanage, hoping to reunite with her sister, Merry. When she finally found it, she learned that Merry had left a long time ago. This causes her to panic and blame herself for leaving her, until she eventually finds Merry by chance, but was surprised to find out she's living with an unfamiliar adult male. This leads to resentment, anger, and confusion towards him, but she soon realizes he’s the only person who truly knows how to help the girls hone their power and save the world from evil. 

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