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Name: Scarlet Gold

Age: 16

Gender/pronouns: Female (She/her)

Ethnicity: American

Country: United States

Occupation: Student, Cheerleader captain

Hobbies: Part-time theatre club actress, cheerleading, shopping

Likes: Herself, being popular, acting, fashion, caramel lattes, attention (especially from her parents), getting her way, money,
expensive outfits, pretending to be nice

Dislikes: Neglection, outcasts, humiliation, being outshined, her clothes getting dirty, Merry

Dream: To be famous and prove her worth to her parents

Voice actress: Taylor Morrison

About Scarlet

Scarlet is a semi-antagonist who rivals Merry and is currently a freshman at Brightmoon Academy. She hails from a wealthy family and is known for her queen bee status. Scarlet often displays egotistical, bratty, snobby, and even crude behavior toward those she dislikes, wanting to outshine or crush them. However, she can also be very passionate, driven, and genuine towards those on her good side, making her a cool friend to be around. She has a negative history with a great friend of Jaxon and Harry, namely Mina, who once used to be her best friend, now claiming her as a "traitor" as they claim different paths. 


In her childhood, she struggled to win the affection and approval of her parents. Her older sister Addison was often praised and put on a pedestal due to her stunning looks and successes. They portrayed the older sister as the "golden child" who was exceptional, prettier, and less of a failure than the other sibling. This unequal treatment caused Scarlet to develop strong feelings of hate and distrust towards her and their parents. 


Her actions at school molded her behavior to believe that "winners get anything they desire, while losers bite the dust." As the cheerleader captain and the favorite in theater productions, she is desperate to keep the power she has earned over the majority of her time at school. She often takes advantage of her status to outshine or belittle those who thought they had a chance against her fame. This eventually caught up with her, and Merry became her rival after receiving a callback in one of the school theater auditions. She saw Merry as a threat to her power and tried to jeopardize her chances of success.

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